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advanced SEO techniques

Best Advanced SEO Techniques

All of us know very well understand the importance of SEO in rank up our site. If I asked who wants to learn advanced SEO techniques then I think no one can be denied. Who already knows what is SEO that good but who doesn't know What is SEO? For them, I want to say that SEO is a technique for gathering organic traffic to your site.

So today I'll tell you the advanced SEO techniques by which you can easily grow or rank up your site on the search engines. That's why read the full article for learning advanced SEO techniques. So let start with what is SEO? SEO extends for Search Engine Optimization. In simple terms, we can say increasing traffic by organic visitors on your site is known as SEO. There are two types of SEO, one is On-page SEO and the second is Off-page SEO.

For doing Advances SEO for your site, please check the given points:

Audit your complete site

If you want to rank up your site then you have to do a complete audit of your site. If you don't know how to audit your site and what you have to check in auditing. Don't worry! I will tell you how to audit your site and what you have to check in your site auditing?

If you want to audit your site then there are so many tools in the market which are free or paid in both. You can use Ahrefs and SEMRUSH as a paid version but if you don't have enough money to pay for these tools. Then you can use free tools like Ubersuggest and to audit your site.

What you have to check-in site auditing

Points to check when you audit your site:

  • Check all webpages have a Title and Meta Description
  • All URLs are well optimized. Well-optimized means that all URLs are short and easy to search.
  • Check there are optimized SEO keywords in your webpages. Optimized SEO keywords mean well-set keywords, not keyword density.
  • Is every page of your site is well structured or not? This means there are proper headings in your content.
  • Check para in your content. Para should be small and easy to read and understand. There are at least two or three sentences in a para. Highlighted the important points in your content.
  • Use the Alt tag for images and use proper links on your page.

Learn What Your Users Want?

Always remember that you are writing for the users, not for the bots. That's why you have to know what your users want? Once you get this then write accordingly. If you want to rank up your site then you have to write a unique and amazing article because the "Content is the king".

To understand what the users want you can check for the search queries of Google. Everyday a lot of peoples search a lot of queries in the Google and Google also show the results according to these search queries. So you can use Quora and Google search console to collect the searching queries.

Create an Optimized Landing Page for Your Website

The first impression is so important so make sure that your landing page is looking good. Make your landing page impressive and attractive because the landing page has an important part of your website. If your landing page is not attractive then users came to your website but go back immediately. The result is that the bounce rate of your website will be increased. Increasing bounce rate is not good for SEO. Use long-tail keywords on your landing page of your website.

Use Mobile-Friendly Website

Nowadays, you can see smartphones in every hand. A lot of people use their smartphones for searching many things over the net. Smartphones are also known as small pc that you can take everywhere. People search almost everything on their phones so make sure your website is mobile-friendly also. If your site is not mobile-friendly then it takes time to load and users don't want to wait in searching. So they (visitors) bounce back from your site that's why a mobile-friendly website is so important in SEO or in rank up.

Grow Your Traffic With Infographic

It's said that images tell a lot of things. This is well set in the form of an infographic. Infographic as the name infographic means giving information with the help of graphics (images, charts, and minimal text). Infographics is a collection of images, charts, and minimal text so that everyone understands what you want to say. It provides a better understanding to the users. So with the help of infographics, you can also grow your website traffic and rank up in the search engines.

Write Enough words

Write enough words in your article so that users have a clear understanding. As I told you before that content is the king. So you have to write an article with at least 1450 words because everyone needs information and a clear understanding. That's why it is very important to have many words in an article.

Post Topic to the Social Media

Once you write your article with enough words then it the time to promote your content. For this, social media is one of the best mediums to promote anything. Nowadays, almost every single person spends so much time viewing their social media like Facebook and YouTube. So post your topic to social media that help your brand awareness.

Link Your Webpages With High Domain Pages

If you are here then you already know the importance of linking webpages. It is true that high domain pages help you to increase your traffic. High domain pages create a trust to the visitors so link your webpages with high domain pages. It also helps to rank up your site on search engines. The high domain shows the trust or you can say it shows how important are the pages.

Check Your Competitor's Sites

Checking your competitor's sites is also a part of advanced SEO techniques. By checking your competitor's site you choose the right keywords and get an idea to rank up your site. So monitor your competitor's website with a specific time period.

Use Multiple Keywords in Your Title Page

When you create a title for your post or page then use multiple keywords in your page title. It also helps to rank up your page. For example, if I make a post for a cab service then I choose The Best and Affordable Cab Service in Dehradun as a title. In this title, I have the best and affordable and cab service in Dehradun as keywords.

Monitor Your Google Search Console

If you have a website then make sure you have a Google Search Console for your website. For rank up in search engines like Google, monitor your Google  Search Console. Google Search Console gives you the result of your site like from where your visitors come and which pages are ranking of your site. So monitoring your Google Search Engine is good for your website ranking.

Update Old Content on Your Site

Updation is so important for ranking in search engines because if you are not updating your post then maybe your competitor becomes ahead to you. That's why update your website's old content from time to time. One more reason to update your website content is people always want to see something new.

Connect Your Top Pages With Your Low Pages With the Help of Linking

There are some top and low pages on your site so you have to do is connect your top pages with your low pages with links. It helps to increase your low pages also and you will get good results from this.

All these techniques are known as advanced SEO techniques. I hope you enjoyed this article. Please do comments and tell me how did you like this article.
