Power of words
Power of words, yes words has the power. You can say that words have magic that changes a person's mind. A person can control your mind with their words.
Hello everyone, welcome to our new topic the power of words. In this article, I’ll tell you why I said that the power of words is a unique and powerful weapon. Read the full article, at last, I gave a real-life example that shows that words really have the power to change the mind.
A person’s words can change your mind in a few seconds. Talking with other people is an art that not every person knows. A few people on this earth can have the power to change your mind with their words. The magician does the same trick with us because there are no such things in real life that he shows us. The Magician said their words in such a manner that we can’t see their cleverness of what he does to show the magic. If any person wants that you trust over that person then you have to be a magician in talking. You want an example then you saw a marketer how they sell their product to you with their talk. If you do not want to buy their product but they sell them to you, this is the power of words.
A Unique and Powerful Weapon
With the power of words, you can motivate someone. Sometimes we judge ourselves by others' words like if some person continuously said that you wear a bad dress then after some time, we really think yes we wear a bad dress.
You have also seen that when we are upset and go to a motivational speaker. Then how our minds changed. Our minds changed after listening to their session. All is done by the power of words. They change our thinking process in life by just their words, it is known as the power of words.
I will explain this with one more effective example which is really based example. All of you very familiar with the great scientist and the inventor “Thomas Alva Edison“. Do you know in his school life people think that he is a fool guy who can’t do anything. Even one time a letter comes to their mom from Edison’s school. Then Edison asked his mother that what is written in the letter? Then his mother says with a smile that they wrote your child is very intelligent and our teachers are not eligible to teach your child. So they study at home.
One day Edison found that letter. After reading that letter Thomas Edison was weeping. Do you know what is in that letter? In that letter the principal of Edison’s school wrote that Hello Mam, your children’s mental condition is not well and we can’t teach him more, so keep him at home? Thomas Elva Edison’s mom knows the truth but she did not tell him what actually wrote in the letter and teach him at home. This is all the power of words that Edison become a great scientist and inventor. What you think if his mom tells him the truth then he could be a successful man or not, please tell us in the comment.
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