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Best way to increase your Immune system

Immune system

Today’s topic we will discuss about our immune system. As we know, today Covid-19 is one among the hazardous diseases. It spreads from person to person who causes lakhs and corers are infected everywhere the planet including India. If the immunity of our body is robust then it helps your body to fight against corona virus and protects them. So, a immune system is extremely important for your health. First of all, discuss what's the immune system.

Immune system 

Immune system plays a crucial role in maintaining strong health. Our immune system help in protecting from viral and bacterial infections. If our body protected system wasn't strong then it enhances the danger of several infections including parasites, bacteria, and viruses. These micro-organisms affect the immune system and harmful to our health.

The system of our body may be a complex network of organs, tissues, and cells. It helps in fighting against bacterial or viral infections and a number of other diseases. If several microorganisms or viruses attack your body then an system protects our body from infections or allergies by fighting against germs.

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Several parts of the immune system

There are different parts of our body system which are as given below–
1. White blood cells play a crucial role in fighting against germs. It stops several infectious diseases that are produced within the bone marrow.
2. Mucous membranes make mucus and other substances which will fight or protect against germs.
3. The skin of your body can help in preventing germs from stepping into the body.

Roles of our system

The most function of the system is to guard our body from several germs which are harmful to our health.

If our system recognizes any viruses or bacteria, it attacks germs and is understood as an immune reaction. This immune response is used to form antibodies that are made from proteins and to attack viruses or bacteria to kill them. Our body makes other cells to fight against germs that protect us from several infectious diseases.

During fighting germs, our system recognizes the virus or bacteria. If our system , sees the recognized germs including viruses or bacteria again then it attacks, and you are doing not sick.

This means that our system is extremely strong and that protection against a particular disease is understood as immunity.

Best ways to market system

There are best ways to form the strong system of our body which are as given below –

Regular exercise

There are several physical activities including exercise helps in making the strong immunity to fight several bacterial or virus infections. Regular exercise is useful in making strong immune system of our body by boosting your overall circulation makes it easier for immune cells to fight infectious diseases. 

As per the research if you exercise daily for about half-hour then it helps in stimulating the system of your body. Hence you ought to daily exercise within the morning to enhance your immunity.

Drink large amounts of Water

Water plays a crucial role in making our body's system robust. Thanks to the fluid in your
cardiovascular system called the lymph. Lymph carries important infection-fighting immune cells around the body formed from water.

If you probably did not take enough water, then it slows down the movement of lymph. The results in an impaired system. Dehydration also can cause several health problems like kidney problems, affect digestion and physical performance, and lots of more. 

These health problems affect our system and increase the danger of infections. Hence, we should always drink an outsizes amount of water daily. It stops dehydration and improving the system to fight viruses and bacteria.

Healthy diet

A healthy diet is extremely essential to form a robust immune system of our body. A number of the diets improve the immunity of our body including green vegetables, fruits, eggs, and grains. Vitamin C is useful in making a robust immune system by increasing the assembly of white cells that helps in fighting against infectious diseases. Most of the citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C like oranges, lemons, grapefruit, limes, and lots of more.

Vitamin C also helps in maintaining healthy skin which is useful for enhancing our system . Vitamins A, C, and E are present in broccoli which helps in making a robust system of our body. A number of the opposite healthy diets are beneficial in boosting the system like garlic, spinach, ginger, yogurt, almonds, green tea, turmeric, poultry, papaya, and lots of more.

 Good and enough sleep

In addition, weak immunity is associated with inadequate or poor sleep, which increases the risk of infectious diseases.

As per research, if you're not getting good sleep especially in the dark but 6 hours then it enhances the danger of getting sick after contact with viruses like the cold . So, if you would like to enhance your immunity then get good sleep for about 8 to 9 hours.

An adult should sleep quite 7 hours; teens need 8 to 10 hours of sleep and infants must sleep for 14 hours to enhance immunity. at the present , most of the youths or teenagers watch TV and smartphone during which blue light emitted from the TV and mobile that disrupt your sleep. Therefore, you ought to sleep during a dark room without employing a smartphone and computer to enhance your immunity.

Stress reduction

Stress also can affect the system of your body.

But for a longer period of time, you are affected by stress, which promotes inflammation
and imbalances in the immune cell function.

There are a number of the activities like regular exercise and yoga that helps in lowering the strain. If you would like to enhance your system , they ought to reduce the strain by using several activities.


If you want to protect or fight against infectious diseases, you should improve your immune
system with a few tips that are discussed in this blog. Thus, we should always improve the immunity of the body to stop diseases and happily accept family.
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