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Different Between Guest Posting, Article Submission and Press Release?

Please Like, Share and CommentsNowadays everyone wants that there is huge traffic on their sites and their sites will be rank up. For that they use many ways, guest posting, article submission and press release are some ways of them. By using these we can get huge traffic and it also helps us to rank up our site. With the help of guest posting, article submission, and press release we can get backlinks which help us to rank up our site.  Guest Posting, Article Submission, and Press Release, all are almost the same, there is a little bit different among the three, which separate them from each other. So let’s check what is Guest posting, Article submission, and Press release and what are the common things and different things among them.

Guest posting:

guest posting

Guest posting is a process in which we create an article and post that on another user website. The benefit of guest posting is that we get a backlink for our site. There is a lot of guest posting site some of them is given below:

        ·        Outbrain
        ·        The Huffington Post
        ·        About
        ·        HubSpot
        ·        Mashable
        ·        Investopedia
        ·        Sitepoint
        ·        Entrepreneur


Article submission:

article submission

Generally, Article Submission refers to writing articles and posts them to the high rated or popular article directory submission. The benefit of article submission is its helps us to rank up our site. List of article submission sites is given below:


Press Release:

press release

In Press Release articles are written for the press, companies doing a press release for promoting their products. In a press release, companies written an article and given it to the press for printing as people aware of the company product. List of press release sites is given below:

        ·        Free 1888
        ·        Starts Free 24-7
        ·        Free Betanews
        ·        $$$ Business Wire
        ·        Free
        ·        $$ ClickPress
        ·        $$
        ·        Free EboomWebSolutions

Different between guest posting, article submission and press release

Here we have a table in which we can see the common facts of Guest Posting, Article Submission and Press Release. All of them have a unique article, limitations of the word in the article are different and the article category is also different.

difference between guest posting, article submission and press release

The main common thing among all of them is that the article which you want to post should be unique. Along with this, the article category should be retained as the rule, you can’t submit any type of article. Also, remember the words counting in the article. If you use these types of tactic then it’s become very useful for you and it helps you to promote your business and rank up your site.
